
Showing posts from February, 2011

Healing Yourself on all Levels

Children Book Reviews          Hello everyone for the next three posts I will not do any reviews. I am reading many children books that will be recommended for everyone in about a month. I will be blogging to everyone about a very special place I am visiting right now. I will tell you about miracles that went on here. I will also share my experience. I am doing lots of reading and when I update in April I will have more children book suggestions for librarians, children and parents. I will also add my first book review. Enjoy these posts.

Black History Month ( Are we all slaves in this world?)

Great books to read The Adventures of Huck Finn - This book written by Mark Twain is a great example of an all time classic. It is about a young boy who never went school and who spends days at time just doing noting but having fun. Ain't this a dream of many boys. The book has lots of bad grammer and language. It was written in the 19 century just after the civil war. The author is a genis in many ways. The book really takes of when Huck Finn meets a slave named Jim. He helps this man escape. That is when the real adventure begins. They build a raft and go on a dangerous journey on the Mississippi River the heart of the south. This book is a classic American boy tale. The language is hard but it will be the perfect book for your middle grade or young adult reader. Please incourage your children to read this classic american novel and do not forget about The Adventures of Tom Sawyer . I really loved both these books and did a research paper on th...

Valentine's Day (A time to love)

Book Suggestions The Hunger Games Trilogy - These three books are wonderful fanatsy stories for Young adults. Imgine a world divided into 13 Distracts that are run by a place called The Capital. In these three books by Suzanne Collins, the author brings this world to life. She combines love, Action, survival and fantasy together. The Three books are called " The Hunger Games.", "Catching Fire." and "Mocking Jay." The books are written so well that your teen will not put them down. Knuffle Bunny Free- This is the last picture book in a trilogy by Mo Williams. Trixie loves her stuffed bunny, but she always seems to lose him somewhere. The other two books are called " Knuffle Bunny" and "Knuffle Bunny Too ." They both got Caldecott Honers. The illustratuions combine drawings with photos. I bet your children will want you read these books over and over again. I bet you remember the stuffed animal that you loved as child. I had a large ye...

About me and a few book suggestions

     Hello folks and welcome to my new blog. let me tell everyone a little about me and then I will add a few wonderful  books for the teachers and parents out there.      I was born in Moscow Hospital in the mid seventies and left Russia to find religious freedom in the USA. When we applied to leave my parents lost their jobs right away. We had to wait three years until America opened her doors to us.     We came here in 1981 invited by a local temple to a city in New York called Mount Vernon. I learned the language in just under six months, because my sister and I got invited to sleep away camp within one month when we arrived in the States. I was six and she was eight. All I can say it was the most horrible sleep away experience I ever had. Everyone made fun of me and I was almost forced to eat a live frog, it tasted a little salty. I can look back at this and laugh now but imag...