
Showing posts from 2012

New Year Read's 2013 (Picture Books)

Hello everyone, first I want to wish you all a very Happy New Year. It has been a hard year for many of us and lots had happened. Now is the time to start a fresh in 2013. I want to welcome Scholastic Inc. to my every growing publisher list. I am very happy to have them aboard. Last update I reviewed three Young Adult Novels. In this update I will be reviewing three picture books.  Picture Books 1) " The Never- Ending Greenness. We made Israel Bloom ."- The book was written and illustrated by Neil Waldman. Published by Boyds Mills Press Inc. 1997. Originally published by: NY Morrow Junior Books 1997. Summary: "When his family comes to live in Israel after the end of World War II, a young boy begins planting and caring for trees, a practice that spreads across the whole Country." The author tells us the story of one Jewish family who escaped the horrors of the Holocaust and settled in Israel. After witnessing the terror of World War II and the bareness of his to

Young Adult Fantasy Threesome!

It has been a while since I reviewed any Young Adult books so for this update I will review Three wonderful YA books that your teens would love.  Please enjoy and grab them for the holiday season. 1) Starters - This book was written by Lisa Price and published by Delacorte Press in 2012. Imgine a world where a deadly war called the Spore Wars wiped out everyone between 20 and sixty years old. A young girl named Callie decides to rent her body to Enders-seniors who want to be young again.  Callie's world is divided and  full of danger, while teens are only second hand citizens. This book follows Callie and her survival in this detopian world full of renegades who will kill for food. As she rents her body she discovers that her renter intends to do more then just have fun. This is a great book to read. It will make you ask the question What if this can happen to us? I highly recommend this book not only for teens, but adults as well.  It will take you to place that may excist one

The Lost Days of a book Summer ( Back to School Soon)

Another Summer is coming to an end. Sports, camps, rest and everything in between. Your kids were given reading lists of books to read and I had my own list of books to read. In this post I will share them with you. I believe books open a door to the imagination, it leads us to way of escape. It is kind of like a lazy summer day where many of the civilians relax. Sitting on a porch with you faithful dog by your side. Looking out on a lake or just hanging out. Taken a family vacation or just spending more time with your life's partner. Books are just like that for your children or yourself. Please enjoy this list and share your commends with me by contacting me.  Picture Books "The Day the Stones Walked" - This book was written by T.A. Barron and illustrated by William Low. Published by Philomel Books a division of Penguin Young Readers Group, 2007. This is a very unique book it takes place in Easter Island a very different setting. Summary: "Pico does not bel

A Book is ( Imagination flow)

   A book is a gateway opened by the human imagination that unlocks new worlds to all readers. It is an escape from the rush and stress of our daily lives. Their may be rough roads ahead but both the book and the human imagination will live on. Technology just opens another path for us all and this my friends should be a blessing hidden under an invisible mask of deception.   The Reviews  Picture books "All by myself" - Written by Geraldine Collect and illustrated by Coralie Saudo. Translated by Sarah Quinn, Published by Owlkids Books 2011. Canada. Summary: "When their mothers go looking for grain, five little chicks are left alone. When will their mothers come back?" This was a cute story with amazing illustrations. It had way to many characters in it and it might be a bit confusing for the younger child. The illustrations were very nice and well drawn. It was a little hard to understanding what part was real and which part was playtime. I did not have a trul

Fantasy in Middle Grade novels ( Our inner world)

      Each one of us is born with the gift of imagination, it sleeps inside ready to pour out in life. It is used in books, or when as children we had imaginary friends or in playing with others. It also can be used to write. No wonder why these days fantasy books are so hot. Many of them became world wide best sellers. A few examples are "Harry Potter" these books sold like wild fire. Seven main books and then eight movies. Many people of all ages had read them. Then we have "The Hunger Games" which I reviewed sometime back in my blog.  Today I will review specifically Middle Grade books.  This is a growing trend and new books come out on a daily basis. Please enjoy my reviews below. Middle Grade " Merlin The Lost Years Book 1 "- By T. A. Barron, Puffin Books a division of Penguin books 1996. This book is very interesting it takes a common character of fantasy folklore Merlin and adds a twist. He asks the question What was his childhood like and from

All great things have to come to an end. ( Final day)

Day 3 The SCBWI End Game      I am sorry it took me a while to do this last post but I have been going over what I have learned in the conference and processing the whole thing. I think I am ready to share this with all of you epically after my home team the Giants won the Super Bowl on Sunday against New England, Go Giants well anyway enough with that here is a brief list of some interesting things that I want to share with you about the last day of the SCBWI conference. Let me start by taking you guys on a journey that every new writer in any genre goes through. Those of you who write will be able to make sense of it all.    Imagine this it is a cold brisk winter day as you finish you first conference ever. You have been inspired to continue to write. You are a new children book writer who have worked your heart out to give birth to your story. You brought the breath of life into a character, you created a whole new world with rich dialog and an amazing storyline. You have shared

Winter Conference has started ( An insider's look).

Day 2 SCBWI 13 annual winter conference In the Big Apple.        Wow, can't believe another day had just passed. It was an over whelming one full of lots of enlightenment and good news on all genres from picture books to young adults and beyond. I will try to put In the important information in here in a a few paragraphs. I have 11 pages of notes but will try to make it brief.    It was a list of amazing guest speakers which included authors, agents, editors, publishers and other people involved in the business. The day started with breakfast, and the first keynote speaker was Chris Crutcher. He was a very inspiring speaker, that inspired the room that represented 49 states and 20 countries. The conference had 1400 people. He spoke about the importance of balancing out stories with tragedy and comedy. Here is a brief list to inspire you guys of what he talked about 1) Look into your life to find information 2) Put this into every story you write. 3) Power and connection of famil

SCBWI Winter Conference 2012 ( The Heart Children Books)

      There are very important factors when it comes to being any kind of writer. It covers a whole range of books. As everyone know putting together a children's book has many people involved. It is a team effort that takes many years to master and complete. For the next three days I will take you all on a journey into this event. It is a huge gathering of people in the children book industry and covers a very important idea that every author has to do. This is called networking and creating a platform. The post will be updated daily from 1-27-2012 to 1-29-2012. Each day I will give you guys an inside into this business. So get ready for a wild ride. I blog my experience on this journey enjoy. Day 1 Writer's Intensive      Today started just like an ordinary gray day, the rain tapped the roads and my journey had began. Strong winds and heavy rains very strange weather for New York State especially in the middle of winter. Only two snow storms so far and that it.