Healing Yourself (Its all about the people)

Week 3

     I want to start by sending a prayer to Japan and all the other people hurt by the earthquake that hit today. God bless everyone and may you spark of hope glow brighter always.  Love and light to everyone who have gone and who have suffered on this day.
    Today I finished my three week stay in Hippocrates Health Institute. I want to write this blog especially about People. It is them who create this world we live in. Here in the center it is all about men and women who came to change their lives. The healing that takes place and the love you feel  around you everyday. It is all about support for each other. People come here for two reasons to be saved or enlightened. Each one is treated with love not only from the staff, but from the others staying here. It is a community where you meet so many amazing people with fantastic stories of how they were saved. They were saved from cancer, diabetes, heart disease and so many other illnesses.
It is a hard journey that each of us takes together. All through out this journey support is everywhere.

    I will like to end with a one inspiring story: one man had a very bad case of arthritis, he came here nine weeks ago. At one point he could not walk he went on the diet and came here, his family joined him for the last three weeks and they were amazed at how he had improved. They also changed all their lifestyle to support him. His youngest son had an allegory to sugar and he talked about how he almost died because of this allergy. This incident not only changed this family's life, but brought them closer together.

     In conclusion I would to say if any of ever decide to come here to heal yourself or just to detox you will discover lots of support and will meet many amazing people with fantastic stories. Hippocrates Health Institute will heal you on all levels and this place will open up your mind to many possibilities and change your life forever.   


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