Reference Book World

What makes you think about when you hear the word Reference Books. A dusty pile of books that are never used standing on a library shelf? The books that are used often but cannot be taken out. Actually there is much more to them than that. I used to work in several libraries and worked closely with this collection. From cataloging them to placing them on the library shelves. Reference book play an important role in any library. In this update I decided to dedicate a post to Reference Books.


Reference Books 

"Scholastic Children's Dictionary- This book was put together by  many people. Scholastic Books Inc. Published USA 2013. This Dictionary is a wonderful tool for both children and adults. It is full of wonderful illustrations and detailed word meanings. It is divided into many sections and covers everything from Thesaurus to different facts. It is very easy to follow and is a wonderful reference tool not only for students, but teachers. This Dictionary is actually well written and fun. I highly recommend that every school get a copy. It also can also be an author's companion as he/she puts together a masterpiece.

"Rocks and Minerals"- Written by Dan Green. Scholastic Inc. New York 2013. Printed in Singapore. This book teaches you everything about rocks and minerals. It is a part of Scholastic's discover more series. It looks at where they come from? and how they are made. It describes everything a child wants to know on this topic. I think it is a great tool for children of all ages. It also has a collector's guide that can be easily followed by both children and adults who use rocks in there everyday practice.  The photography found here is wonderful and realistic and makes a great gift to your librarian or child.

"Year in Sports 2014"-  Written by James Buckley Jr. and Beth Craig Zachary. Published by Shoreline publishing Group LLC 2013 an imprint of Scholastic Inc. Printed in USA. Inside all of us are sport fans that truly love their teams and sports. We cheer them in good times and bad. We cry with them if they loose and celebrate if they win. This book is for the sport's fan inside us all. It covers many sports from college football to pro sports and beyond. Another thing that makes this book unique,  is all the wonderful sport facts found inside. Get out there, buy a copy and remember to share it with you little sport's fan near your fireplace fire. Don't forget the hot chocolate either.

"Scholastic 2014 Almanac for Kids"-  Written by Lynn Brunelle, Jim Brunelle, Delia Greve, Monique Peterson and Research by Brianne Mclnelly. Published by Scholastic Inc. 2013. Printed in USA.  Our children are always curious about the world and usually ask amazing questions that adults can't answer most of the time. This Almanac is the perfect tool for you. It is full of interesting facts about the world around us. It covers massive information in about 350 pages. It covers everything that young minds want to know. It is not only a great book for children but librarians and writers as well. Get a copy of this Almanac, and use it to answer your children's questions.

"Scholastic 2014 Book of World Records."- Written by Jenifer Corr Morse. Published by Georgin Bay LLC. An imprint of Scholastic Inc. World Records are set often and change every year. The most popular world record book is Ripley's, The second on this list is "Scholastic's. It is divided into six sections covering everything from money to sports. The book has wonderful photos and illustrations and many fantastic facts. I think you child can have lots of fun with it. I personally enjoyed the USA section that does a wonderful job in covering this great country of ours. It includes all states and their world records. From pop culture and amazing facts, this book makes a great gift for any kid or adult.

 My next update will be something very special for everyone to read an author Spotlight enjoy.   



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