Author Spotlight October 2021

Author Spotlight October 2021 Book Review - “No Dinosaurs Allowed” was a great book with a strong message for children. The Illustrations were simple and well done. The idea that public places are for everyone even Dinosaurs, was interesting. I also liked how the story arc came to a full circle. The few minor issues this book had are some forced Rhyme in places and No character growth. It definitely is a fun read for two- to six-year-olds. Overall, I will give this book four stars. Biography Deborah is a writer and nursing professor who lives in New York with her family and the incorrigible Chewy Belle who is one of the main characters in her chapter book “The One-Eyed Pug”. Deborah holds a PhD in nursing and has taken myriad writing classes. Deborah refers to herself as an eclectic author as she writes in several genres. She published her first award winning children’s books “Same Inside Different Outside” and “The One-Eyed Pug” in 2017. She has also p...