Author Spotlight August 2022

Author Spotlight August 2022 Bio Hi! I’m Sybrina. I have been writing since I was a little girl. My Dad was my main influence. He could tell a story like nobody’s business. He would hold an entire room enthralled, wildly recounting his youthful adventures. I could never tell stories like that, but I found that I could write them down pretty well. A little aside about my dad that you might find interesting...he thought he made up my name, Sybrina, and he was proud of it. Once I made the mistake of asking him if I could have a nickname because Sybrina (Si [rhymes with Hi]-Bree-Nuh) is awkward name to pronounce. No one ever got it right. Well, that was the angriest He ever was at me. His answer was unequivocally “NO!” He said, “I gave you that name for a reason. Someday the world is going to know who you are, and you need a name they will remember.” I scoffed at such a notion at the time but maybe that little lecture is what has motivated me to keep writing and sharing ...