Author Spotlight September 2022



                                                    Mary Griffith Chalupsky


Mary Griffith Chalupsky was born to Viola (Brown) and Edgar Griffith.  She married LaVerne Chalupsky and together they raised six children on a farm south of Fairfax, IA.  She attended Kirkwood College and studied the Arts.


Mary began writing poetry many years ago and won awards through the World Poetry Association beginning in 1987 when she won the Golden Poet Award, the Silver Poet Award followed in 1990, and the Editor Choice Awards in 2005, 2006 and 2007. 


She has published 15 Children’s Rhyming Pictures Books titled, “Jogger’s Adventures,” A Children’s Book about her very own Bichon puppy “The Littlest Puppy,” A Children’s Book about Bullying: “The Big, Bad, Sad, Mad, Meany,” and an Anthology of 20 short stories about a middle school boy, “Jimmy’s Adventures.” Her recent books, “Wings, Fins, a Bully and Friends,” is a two-book set, reflecting on love, friendship, and acceptance, and more recently, a trilogy of Tales from the Enchanted Forest, and a hard copy that includes all three books. Mali, the Therapy Dog, Puppy Pirates, Finding Christmas Spirit, and a book of original poetry, Mary’s Garden, and recently a book paying tribute to her deceased daughter, “The Naughty Rotties,” are also found at Amazon.


Mary was a volunteer in her church and her community for most of her life. She worked in the medical profession and owned and operated Medical Claims Billing. She is a member of the DAR and the Mayflower Society.


She worked as a freelancer for Eastern Iowa online newspaper, The Arkansas Pacesetting Times, God Makes Lemonade series, and other magazines.


She presently lives in Cedar Rapids, IA, where she enjoys working in her flower gardens, swinging on her front porch, having coffee with her friends, and shopping with her daughter.


Questions and Answers for Writing 


1…What or who inspired you to be a writer?

 My late husband always mentioned he couldn’t understand how I could write a story or a poem in a matter of minutes. He claimed it left him in awe. So, I always wanted to do a little more, make it a little better…just because of him.

2…What do you find harder to write poetry or children’s books?

 For me, it is writing children’s books. Poetry writing seems to be easier for me.

3…Are there any famous writers or poets that you learned from or write similar to their style?

I have some poems that remind me of Emily Dickinson’s style. I love her poetry, so I lean toward her style and also Robert Frost.

4…Can you share some information on your writing process?

My writing process isn’t structured.  I write when I feel an idea, whether it’s a children’s book or a poem. Then after I begin writing, the words just seem to flow out of my heart and mind. I write when I feel like it.

5…Did you illustrate your books or were they illustrated for you?

 I don’t draw my own illustrations. I actually have different ones for different projects.  My best illustrator is an Egyptian journalist who is presently working on book 5 for me.  He has written and illustrated many children’s books for himself. He is wonderful at illustrating animals. I have used two other illustrators, one from Pakistan, one from the US for my Jogger series, and one from Bulgaria to illustrate my fairytale series, Tales from the Enchanted Forest.”

6…what was the most memorable moment in your life so far? Actually, I have seven. First when my husband and I were married and it lasted 56 years, ending in 2009 when he passed away, and when each of my six children was born.

7…If you can have dinner with any famous individual, who would it be? President and Mrs. Joe Biden.  I have a lot of questions to ask them about different things regarding the country. I would love to meet them and carry on a conversation while eating dinner in their lovely surroundings.

8. What kind of advice can you share with new writers?

Don’t quit your day job. It will take a long time to be able to see a profit in writing, even if you write a #1 best seller.  You and your family will still have to eat.

9…What do you find harder marketing or writing?

For me, marketing is very difficult because I find it hard to sell myself. I can sit down and write a book in a short time. Marketing of the same book is almost impossible for me. My books are mostly sold at events. Then Covid came along and I haven’t been able to get out in the public to make contacts. Being elderly has been a deterrent to traveling alone.

10…Do you want to share any wise words with this community?

 I have had many authors ask me how did I know I wanted to write?  I will tell you if you have to ask yourself that question, you probably don’t want to write seriously. I love to write. I always loved English comp as a youngster. I would rather write than eat when I have ideas. I get started and I don’t want to stop. I absolutely love it so much that I forget to get up and walk around or exercise. Then when I finally do, I can barely walk. So, I need to set some exercise goals along with my writing so at least I am walking on the treadmill or just walking outside for an hour or so. Just enough to exercise my body as I exercise my mind. 


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